RICCCH has a sizable number of professionals like speech language pathologist, clinical psychologist, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, social workers, special educators etc. There are about 40 full time professionals presently working with RICCCH.

RICCCH is the first institution in entire Malabar region of Kerala state that provides full time multidisciplinary professional services for cognitive, communicative and other related disorders.

RICCCH has been able to extend direct services to more than 10000 individuals from our centers.

One out of the twelve accredited NGO's by Government of Kerala.
We are registered under the societies registration act XXI/1860 (NO.459/07)

Life is not equal for everyone.
For some, everyday is a challenge.

For the rest of us, the least we can do is understand and reach out.


Campaigns to enhance the level of disability awareness and its rehabilitation in the community in a steady and continuous manner.


A recognition to the Mothers of special children. RICCCH in association with Malappuram District Administration , jointly declared May 11th of every year as Special Mother’s Day.

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